
This page is maintained by Amanda Sandland
Friday, 13 December 2013 15:51



Living Lightly is the Diocesan policy. We are encouraging parishes and churches to become Eco Churches and registered as an Eco Diocese in 2018.

How you can act in response.

Why you should act.


Our recommendations and links....


 Reference resources


The national environment programme from the Church of England has multiple resources to support you and it is recomended you sign up for the newsletter.

 Key publications from the Church of England.


Other recent publications include:


Diocesan policy on Environment copy on application

The Church of England National Investment bodies policy on investing in Extractive Industries

Practical Renewal Energy for Church Buildings

More specific advice on making changes to your building.

Managing land for net gain in biodiversity. With new resources 2021.

Practical path to net zero. Includes webinar series.


Related Organisations


Local campaign groups

Find your local Wildlife Trust, who are often very open to joint working to support community action. 

Derby Climate Coalition

Derbyshire Climate Coalition

Derbyshire Frack Free a collective but local groups exist from Erewash to Barlborough.


National Campaign groups


Green Christian

Operation Noah

Christian Climate Action and who they are.

Extinction Rebellion local groups exist add your town/ nearest city and search for it.

Many national environmental charities and christian development charities are campaigning on these issues too.

why we go to jail explanation of Christian civil disobedience. The training days run by Christian Climate Action also feature strongly on this theme.


A Rocha UK

tel: 0208 574 5935, 13, Ave Road, Southall, Middlesex, UB1 3BL 

website includes the wide range of EcoChurch resources and how to register.


Green Christian

tel: 01524 33858, email: info@christianecology.org.uk; website: http://www.greenchristian.org.uk/ includes prayer resources, campaigns, webinars and links to sister organisation Operation Noah. 


Church Buildings Council

tel: 020 7898 1866, website: www.churchcare.co.uk 

Comprehensive guidance on care of existing churches as well as adapting buildings for new uses. Recent updates 


Conservation Foundation

tel: 0207 591 3111, website: www.conservationfoundation.co.uk.


Creation Challenge

website: http://www.creationchallenge.org.uk/?page_id=1515   Methodist, Baptist and United Reformed Church resources. Some useful resources for Church properties of any denomination. 


Energy Saving Trust

21 Dartmouth Street, London, SW1H 9BP.  website: www.energysavingtrust.org.uk/

Information about renewable energy and grants for installation.


John Ray Initiative

promotes environmental and science led progress in accordance with Christian principles. Downloadable teaching and bible study resources.


There are also the major national and international environmental charities and the Christian Mission Partners you support that have specific resources and programmes you can engage with.

Near you | Climate Action (takeclimateaction.uk) may help you locate them.



Transition Towns in Derbyshire


Find out more about transition towns at www.transitiontowns.org



Belper:            http://www.transitionbelper.org/




Buxton:           www.transitionbuxton.co.uk/



Chesterfield:   www.transitionchesterfield.org.uk/



Matlock:          http://www.transitionmatlock.org.uk/



Other recommended Publications:



Covid-19, Environment Justice and the Future Grove Ethics E198 Valerio, Hodgson, Hodgson and Howles

Saying Yes to Life, Ruth Valerio, ArchBishop of Canterburys, Lent Book 2020. 

L is for Lifestyle. Christian living that doesn't cost the earth. Ruth Valerio (2019) IVP.

What in God's Name Are You Eating? How can Christians Live and Eat Responsibly in Today's Global Village? Andrew Francis.  92014) Cascade. ISBN 978-1-62032-573-5.

Life Issues Bible Study: Environment. Ruth Valerio (2008) CWR ISBN 978-1-85345-481-3.

Foster Claire and Shreeve David (2008) Don’t Stop at the Lights: Leading your Church through a changing climate, Church House Publishing ISBN 9780715141380.

Planetwise. Dare to Care for God's World, Dave Bookless. (2008) IVP ISBN: 978-1-84474-251-6.

Mission and Public Affairs (2005) Sharing God’s planet Church House Publishing

Jesus and the earth, James Jones (2003) which you can get as a book or get a partial free download at Why the earth is for Jesus...

Hope in God's Future (JPIT 2012) can be downloaded free

David Shreeve and Claire Foster Gilbert (2007) How many light bulbs does it take to change a Christian? Church House Publishing, ISBN No: 9780715141274

This book encourages Christians to play their part in helping to stop climate change. Aiming to counter the idea that stark warnings on the state of the environment seem too colossal for individuals to make any real difference, it argues that Christians not only can have an impact by adapting their lifestyle, but actually have a moral duty to do so.


 also see study resources at 'Whats Happening' section above which is regularly updated.



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