
This page is maintained by Amanda Sandland
Wednesday, 12 April 2023 13:54

Silver award for Christ Church, Hulland

Christ Church, Hulland has been awarded a silver Eco Church award. Below are a few of the main initiatives undertaken in the five areas of church life that helped them achieve the award. 


  • Worship leaders followed the Green Lectionary during Creationtide. 
  • Messy Church Goes Wild had an outdoors nature scavenger hunt and an indoor session reflecting on creation.
  • In Great Big Green Week, we presented ‘What is Eco Church?’ to our Mothers’ Union branch, followed by an eco- quiz.

The Church building 

  • We calculated the carbon footprint of our church in 2022 and agreed to attempt yearly improvements in energy efficiency. 
  • We continued with a recycling collection point for medication blister packs in the porch. 

The Churchyard

  • We had a ‘Churches Count on Nature’ event in June –see photo. Interested members of the church & community surveyed the churchyard on 2 occasions. We identified 110 species of plants and animals. Our records were sent to the National Biodiversity database.
  • We installed a 3rd bird box and 2 bird feeders.
  • We continued to manage the Conservation Area for nature as well as people.


  • Our church email and weekly Pews News regularly included items relating to caring for God’s earth and eco-tips towards a sustainable lifestyle.
  • We had a Jigsaw Swap Sunday to facilitate re-use of puzzles.

Community and global engagement 

  • Letters, endorsed by the PCC, were written to our MP and County Councillor asking them to address nature loss and climate change as a priority in their recommendations and decision making. 
  • We continued to be a Fairtrade church.
  • We twinned our toilet with one in Malawi through the Tear Fund scheme.
  • We encouraged another church in our Benefice to get started with Eco Church

Penny Northall, Eco-church lead and PCC member said: “I would like to thank our Rector, Rev. Phil Michell, other worship leaders and the PCC for being so supportive in this eco-church endeavour. We are now working towards a gold award.”

Last modified on Friday, 23 February 2024 16:24

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