
This page is maintained by Amanda Sandland

Modern Slavery Briefing

Modern Slavery briefing is an optional session looking at national and local statistics and the issues around modern slavery.

This course will explore what it may look like, the most common forms of modern slavery, and what to do if you have a concern.

This course should be done as a national e-learning course available online via the Church of England Training Portal, which takes about 60 minutes to complete. If you have difficulties logging on or sharing an e-mail address with someone else who also uses the portal please contact the administrators by e-mail following the link on their Portal. This is managed nationally and we are unable to help. 

No Zoom courses planned at present.

If you feel you may be affected by the contents of any safeguarding training and would like to discuss an exemption for a specific training course please contact Sue Griffin sue.griffin@derby.anglican.org our Victim and Survivor Lead, or Lisa Marriott lisa.marriott@derby.anglican.org our Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor for a confidential discussion.

Last modified on Monday, 10 March 2025 10:22

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