
Resources for Clergy

Easing out of the pandemic

A number of resources that might help you and your congregations

>> Compassion Fatigue – Recognise and Recover [PDF]

CPAS ‘Emerging from Pandemic’ resources 

Lament: a few suggestions encouraging us personally and collectively to take the need for lament seriously as a healthy response to all that we are still going through.

St. Luke’s Virtual Wellbeing Papers
The St. Luke’s papers were issued on a regular basis through the first lockdown in 2020. In one sense they therefore relate closely to that time, but they are still relevant, containing much wisdom, advice and insight. Although written for September 2020 the paper entitled ‘Easing out of Lockdown’ is still current in its advice.
They are helpful at a personal level, but could also be used in a range of other settings.

Covid 19 crisis fatigue and you [PDF]

Making a start on long-term recovery from a crisis [PDF]

Prayer, wellbeing and our rootedness in God [PDF]

Response to stress during Covid-19 [PDF]

Self-care at a time of loss [PDF]

Thoughts from a trauma-informed perspective [PDF]

Meditation on lament [PDF]

Here be dragons [PDF]

Understanding the body [PDF]

Use of the scriptures [PDF]

Creating a safe space (PDF)

Easing out of lockdown (PDF)

Liminality in a time of Covid (PDF)

Ministering to Uncertainity (PDF)

Reflections on Transitions (PDF)

Relatedness and wellbeing (PDF)

Clergy Support Trust

Clergy Support Trust offers grants, including wellbeing grants, financial support grants, and health grants.

>> More information on the Clergy Support Trust

St Luke’s

As of the 1 June 2022, St Luke’s has recently changed its focus with resources on improving the mental health and wellbeing of clergy and their families.

This marks a significant shift in its remit and focus.

As a diocese, we have recently offered ‘Trauma informed ministry’ training and have offered resilience training in the past (both bought in from St Luke’s).

Alongside this, St Luke’s also offers one-to-one support.

>> More information on St Luke's


Further sources of support

The following CofE document offers information and contact details for a range of organisations offering support and advice across a range of wellbeing scenarios and situations.

>> Living Ministry: Sources of support for Clergy and Ordinands

The Clergy Household Grant (formerly known as the Clergy Spouse Grant) is one-off amount of £90 available each year, either to pay for or to subsidise a retreat, or a course which offers the same relaxation and respite element as a retreat.

Clergy simply need to be in touch, preferably before the event, and provide some supporting paperwork. Please contact office@bishopofderby.org.

Applications for Clergy Retreat Grant

The Ordained Ministries Development Officer, the Revd Dwayne Engh, has responsibility for authorising applications for Clergy Retreat grants.

Application forms should be sent directly to Marietta Forman at Derby Church House or by email to marietta.forman@derby.anglican.org

If you have any queries, do please get in touch with Marietta on 01332 388673.

Living Ministry suggests six principles to help you THRIVE in ministry [PDF] and while this was written with specific reference to the pandemic, it is based around excellent principles for ministry in any situation and well worth a look.

Spirituality is probably one of the most overworked and misunderstood words in present day religious vocabulary.

In the context of our life and mission in the Diocese of Derby, we are particularly concerned with Christian spirituality which is deeply embedded in the life and history of the Church.

In these days many people are taking their own journey into God far more seriously.

There is a real thirst within the Church as well as in the world for the things of God.

To try to address this, the Diocese of Derby’s Christian Spirituality Group tries to provide people who can accompany others on this journey as listeners and spiritual directors.

It also provides courses, quiet days and retreats.

Details of all these things will appear from time to time on this website and in other places.

For more information, please visit the Diocese of Derby Spirituality Group’s website page.

Pastoral supervision provides a safe and confidential space to be supervised or to ‘look over’ pastoral ministry with another person who is experienced and trained in this specialised service.

Along with spiritual direction and counselling, this is another valuable resource in support of your ministry.

Download more information on the pastoral supervision service [PDF]

Pre-Retirement Course for Clergy and Spouses/Partners

The Diocese of Southwell & Nottingham are holding an online pre-retirement course, taking place over two mornings on Wednesday 21st May and Thursday 22nd May, and clergy from the Diocese of Derby are invited to attend.

This free to attend online course is aimed at clergy who are coming up to retirement age and will provide helpful information and advice. It is run in conjunction with the Nottingham & District Pre-Retirement Council and will include representatives from the Church of England Pensions Board, as well as a panel of local recently retired clergy sharing their own experiences. Clergy are encouraged to attend with their spouses/partners.

For further information and to book a place, please follow the link below:


If you have any questions, or problems using the booking link, please contact Julie Fowler on 01332 278172 or Julie.fowler@derby.anglican.org


Sheldon Hub 

The Sheldon Hub is a safe place for people in ministry to meet, share and support each other. It is secure and free to use. It offers a directory of resources as well as an independent community.

To access the Sheldon Hub go to sheldonhub.org or click HERE.



‘How Clergy Thrive’

‘How Clergy Thrive’ is an excellent resource which looks at ways clergy can look after their wellbeing, including vocationally specific research, guidance, and help.

You can download a copy of this book and accompanying worksheets here: Living Ministry Resources | The Church of England


Wellbeing snapshot: The Wellbeing Map

The Living Ministry Wellbeing Map is a useful tool that you could use on your own or with others, maybe every six months or so.
It might re-assure, it might indicate a need for further support or input and help you target specific things.


Take some ‘Time out’

Please feel free to use any of these resources if you find yourself in need of a quiet space and something to help you reflect.

Sometimes the last thing we feel we can do is take ‘Time Out’. However, it is often one of the most helpful things to do. We suggest the following to make it more likely to happen:

  1. Decide when your ‘Time Out’ will be and how long it will last.
  2. Mark that time and space in your diary so that it stands along-side meetings and other commitments as equally important allocated time.
  3. Resist the temptation to move it, shorten it, delete it all together as other demands are made on you and your time.

In partnership with the Churches Ministerial Counselling Service (CMCS).

Supporting licensed clergy in the Diocese of Derby.

“It was having someone listening to what I was saying without judging me. Listening to my problems and helping me to see them in a different light, that made all the difference”. 

The diocese, in partnership with the CMCS, offers a free counselling service in which up to twelve sessions of counselling are available to all licensed clergy and their partners in the Diocese of Derby, as well as dependent adult members of the household.

All counselling arrangements are fully confidential and anonymous, and those using the service can self-refer without any reference to senior clergy.

The counselling service provides a safe and confidential space to unpack any sort of emotional distress, whether it is from relationships inside or outside of the family or church, or issues related to your working ministry that just aren’t working well.

Counsellors are trained to listen carefully and without any judgment and will help you to find a way through to restore your sense of wellbeing and resilience.

We can help with the following…

  • Depression, anxiety, stress
  • Low self-esteem/fragile self-worth
  • Self-harming and suicidal thoughts
  • Couples counselling
  • Difficult relationships in the home and/or church community
  • Bullying
  • Chronic illness. Accidents
  • Emotional traumas new or old
  • Bereavement, losses, change
  • Anger/resentment management
  • Social anxiety (feeling anxious in public and social situations)
  • Thoughts of giving up the ministry

This not an exhaustive list; we can help with whatever it is you would like to talk about. There are many other challenging issues that clergy and their families have talked about. If you think that your problem is too difficult to talk about, or seems too trivial, please don’t hold back. Your counsellor is experienced and will help you.        

Over the years, many of the clergy and their family members in the diocese have used the clergy counselling service (which includes couples counselling), so please don’t feel that you must soldier on alone, or that you are the only one who cannot manage sometimes. Others have benefited enormously from the private and confidential support that counselling provides.  


What happens in counselling?

Counselling takes place in a professional relationship. The meetings take place in a safe place, with an experienced and qualified counsellor.

Your counsellor will listen to whatever you say with respect and without any judgment. The appointments take place in a private room which may be in the counsellor’s office or home, or you may be offered counselling via Zoom or a similar platform.

With your counsellor’s support, you will develop insights and resources that will enable you to find a new and purposeful direction in your life and ministry.

Whether you feel confused or clear about the cause of your difficulty, your counsellor will help you to make sense of what is happening and will support you to find your own unique way through.

In counselling, you work actively with your counsellor, and while she or he does not advise or direct you, you will be helped to resolve the challenges and will feel supported in any positive changes that you might like to make.

Who are the Churches’ Ministerial Counselling Service (CMCS?)

Mission statement: The Churches’ Ministerial Counselling Service exists to provide confidential support to ministers and adults in their immediate household through short-term, professional counselling.

CMCS counsellors are accredited with one of the major national counselling organisations, so they have extensive training and experience and are required to maintain their skills through continuing professional development.

Counsellors are not required to be Christians themselves, but all CMCS counsellors have affirmed that they will support clients who have Christian faith, and not undermine anyone’s faith. 

Is there any cost?

The Diocese of Derby will meet the full cost of any counselling accessed through the CMCS scheme. This free service is available to all licensed clergy and their partners in the Diocese of Derby and dependent adult members of the household.

Unless you choose to notify the Bishop directly, or through other colleagues, the only people who will know that you are having counselling are the counsellor and the CMCS area co-ordinator. The diocese will not know, nor will the central office of CMCS know your identity. If the Bishop is notified that information will not be held on file.

Your counsellor will keep all you say confidential, except where disclosure is required by law or if you might harm yourself or someone else. Counsellors are required to have supervision for their work but, in that process, clients remain completely anonymous.

Data Protection

CMCS is committed to Data Protection and privacy for clients. To view their Privacy Notice for Clients please go to their website: www.cmincs.net

Who can access counselling? 

This free service is available to all licensed clergy and their partners in the Diocese of Derby and dependent adult members of your household. The Diocese of Derby will meet the full cost of any counselling accessed through the CMCS scheme.

How do I access counselling?

The contact details for the CMCS area co-ordinator can be found on the ‘Contact Us’ page of their website: www.cmincs.net/contactus

We are currently in the Central West Area.

The area co-ordinator will take some details and find you a counsellor; you then arrange when is best to see them. Your counsellor will help you to explore the issues you want to talk about and to gain different perspectives or insights. This service is made available for a course of twelve, usually weekly, sessions. 

You can also contact the area co-ordinator if you have any questions. Your enquiry will be held in complete confidence.


Churches’ Ministerial Counselling Service, c/o Baptist House, PO Box 44, 129 Broadway, Didcot OX11 8RT



This Covenant, Calling & Crisis report from January 2023 presents qualitative findings from the third wave of the ten-year Living Ministry research.

It builds on the Wave 3 survey, exploring clergy wellbeing during the Covid-19 pandemic along with issues of autonomy, accountability and support. Sixty three people took part through individual and group interviews held on Zoom.

A framework analysis based on the categories of spiritual and vocational wellbeing, physical and mental wellbeing, relationships, and participation was used to address wellbeing experiences (financial and material wellbeing was excluded because interviews preceded rises in the cost of living), while autonomy and accountability were explored through the lens of self-determination theory, which defines autonomy as 'acting in line with one’s interests and values'.

A copy of the report can be downloaded here [PDF].

The Diocese of Derby is committed to promoting, maintaining, and sustaining the wellbeing of our clergy.

To this end, the clergy wellbeing advisory group exists to offer advice and counsel to the diocesan bishop(s), to help ensure that diocesan procedures, practice, training, communications, and strategies are implemented and maintained which uphold clergy wellbeing.

The group also offers advice on the advancement and implementation of GS 2133 - A Covenant for Clergy Care and Wellbeing, developing principles of prevention, resilience, and self-care to help clergy flourish and minimise crisis situations.

In time it is hoped that the group will operate as a conduit through which clergy can feedback their experiences of clergy wellbeing, suggest areas for improvement, and air their views on the kind of support they would like to receive. 

The group meets regularly throughout the year.

If you would like to contact any of the members of the group, you will find their contact details below.

The Ven. Karen Hamblin – Archdeacon of East Derbyshire, Chair and Clergy Wellbeing Lead
01246 913688 / 07432 705285

Revd Dwayne Engh - Ordained Ministries Development Officer
07425 606421

Claire Lees– Director of People & Ministry Development 
01332 278175

Mandy Francis – HR Manager
01332 388686

Mina Munns – Wholeness and Healing Lead

Canon Julian Hollywell – Chair of the House of Clergy
01332 673573

The Covenant for Clergy Care and Wellbeing was made an Act of Synod at the February 2020 Group of Sessions of the General Synod. The Covenant is the expressed view of the mind of the Church of England on issues relating to clergy care and wellbeing.

“Our vision is that the work of supporting clergy in their ministry will become an integral part of the life of the Church and part of the DNA of every aspect of our mission and ministry.”

Revd Canon Simon Butler, Head of the Clergy Covenant Working Group

To find our more, please see the national website, The Covenant for Clergy Care and Wellbeing.

If you would like to read the main document behind the Covenant (GS 2072 Clergy Wellbeing) you can access it here.


The Church of England has initiated a ‘Big Conversation’ around Clergy Wellbeing and is encouraging all of us to take part. There are three resource papers to help encourage reflection and action available here.

They are not long but do ask some searching questions of us as clergy, of the local church and of our bishops and the wider Church.


“I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.” 

The pitfalls of ministry are many and various and when the going gets tough there is almost always a personal cost both to ourselves and those amongst whom our lives are set.  The Apostle’s frustration is rooted in an honest self-understanding, a recognition that alone we will adopt unhealthy or misconceived ways of living that take us away from the person God yearns for us to be.

Wellbeing is not an add on.  Wellbeing is not an optional extra for those who have the time.  Wellbeing is not a matter for people less busy than us.  Wellbeing is a Gospel value, for it is about choosing to be the person God intends, indeed yearns for us to be… to have life and life in all its fullness.  Taking wellbeing seriously is a non-negotiable part of our ministerial lives if we are to flourish as God’s people and for those who have made ordination vows, live them out with integrity.

You will hopefully find resources here to help you do that.  They are intentionally diverse, as not everything will speak to everyone and they are not the solution to anyone’s problems in themselves, but a starting point offered to help each of us in our different contexts take responsibility for our own wellbeing.


Get in touch

These pages are constantly under review, so that we may all receive assistance and appropriate advice in a quickly changing ministerial environment.

We welcome your feedback. If there is information missing from these pages that you or others may find helpful, please contact and let us know.

The Clergy Wellbeing Advisory Team
January 2024

Property Repairs and Maintenance

Please contact the property team during normal working hours on 01332 388650 or email propertyteam@derby.anglican.org

Any out of hours emergency please refer to the Emergency Contractors list from the links below.


Clergy Housing Emergency Repairs out of hours (including public holidays).

If an emergency occurs out of hours inlcuding public and seasonal holidays (Easter, Christmas etc), do not delay, instruct a Diocesan approved contractor immediately and inform the Property team of the problems when the office is open.  An approved contractors list has been issued to all parishes and can also be found below.

Please be aware that not all contractors will cover Christmas Day, Boxing Day or New Year's Day so in the event of emergency please use a reliable local contractor. 
Emergency work should be done immediately and the bill sent to the Property team for payment or reimbursement.
In case of a plumbing leak, please ensure you know the location of the stopcock for the water main.



To ensure the best use of our resources, we have compiled a list of suitably approved contractors for your reference.

Whenever possible, please try to ensure that only emergencies are dealt with out of hours.

As you will appreciate an emergency out of hours repair costs the Diocese substantially more than a repair carried out during normal office hours. 

Please ensure all emergency repairs are to be reported to the Church House Property Team as soon as possible.

  • You should contact us on 01332 388650 Monday to Friday between the hours of 9am and 5pm.
  • You will need to provide a brief description of the repair, the contractor who attended, and most importantly your contact details. This way the repair can be monitored, audited and managed. 


Emergency contact information:

>> All Derby Deaneries and Carsington Emergency Contacts [PDF] updated November 2024

>> Hardwick and North East Deaneries Emergency Contacts [PDF] updated November 2024

>> High Peak Deanery Emergency Contacts [PDF] updated March 2024


What is an emergency?

An emergency repair is any fault which threatens harm to persons or property. Examples include; 

1 Heating and hot water 
Where you or your home is at risk due to a major water leak from any part of the heating system, and where the heating system fails. 
Please note: Not having hot water is not considered an emergency if you have an electric immersion heater and/or an electric shower.
An exception to this would be for household members who are frail, elderly or registered disabled.

2 Gas leaks 
If you smell gas, please telephone (British Gas) on 0800 111 999 who will attend to isolate the meter and make safe where necessary. 

3 Total lack of water supply 
Before contacting a plumber, please check with the water utility company to ensure that works are not being carried out in the area. 

4 Total lack of electricity supply 
Before contacting an electrician, please check with the electricity utility company to ensure that works are not being carried out in the area. 
Please check the electrical distribution box – has one or more fuses tripped? 

5 Plumbing leaks 
If the leak is causing damage, then it will be considered an emergency - especially if penetrating into an electrical fitting. In the interim you should turn off your water supply at your stopcock or gate valve, and your electricity supply. 

6 Blockages 
If you have access to more than one WC, and only one is blocked, then please arrange for a plumber to attend during normal working hours.

7 Roof leaks or other damage 
Where the damage to the roof is likely to worsen or when it is hazardous (eg roof tiles may fall onto a path, drive or highway), ring a roofing or general building contractor identified within the guides above.
Please be aware that in the event of adverse weather conditions, the contractor will only make the roof safe. The Church House Property Team, will then liaise with the contractor to arrange a permanent repair for a later date when good weather permits. 

8 Downpipes and gutters 
Please only contact an emergency building contractor if water is entering the building causing major damage or the loose part is dangerous. 

9 Broken windows & Doors 
Where the damage is caused as a result of a crime. In this case, please notify the local police force who will supply you with a crime reference number, which we will need for our records and report the matter to the Church House Property Team. 
For other breakages, if they pose a security risk or are letting rainwater in, then please arrange for a contractor to attend.

10 Door locks 
Please arrange to contact the locksmith: 
1. If you cannot open or secure a door. 
2. In the unfortunate event that you have been the target of criminals who may have stolen your keys, then please report this matter to the police and obtain a crime reference number, and report the matter to the Church House Property Team. 

11 Dangerous trees 
Trees are particularly vulnerable to the effects of high winds during a storm and sustain various types of damage as a result. If a tree is unsafe and unstable and there is imminent danger to persons and property, where possible please take supportive photographic evidence and contact the emergency tree work specialist outlined within this booklet. 

We are committed to offering a first class repair service. If you have to arrange for a contractor to attend to an emergency, then please ensure the Church House Property Team are informed as soon as possible.

On 4 May 2021, the long-trailed changes to the way marriages are registered come into force.

Clergy have already been sent links to the government's training pages. 

Clergy may share the link to the online training with parish administrators – and it should be shared with churchwardens where the parish or benefice is in vacancy.


Register of Marriage Services, 

Churches will need a new Register of Marriage Services which is now available to pre-order via this link:

Register of Marriage Services - Hardback (chpublishing.co.uk)

Obtaining the Marriage Document 

GRO will be sending out very clear information about the marriage document and where clergy can get it from.   The free on-line admin tool provided by the Church of England www.lifeeventsdiary.org  will be updated to enable printing of the marriage document after 4th May.


Charge for Marriage Certificate

From May 4th  Marriage Certificates will be issued by the Register Office and not the church, so couples should no longer be charged for a certificate.  The Fees table , fees form and fees information for couples will be updated to reflect this change. 


There is an FAQ regarding the changes available on the LRSA's website.


How will this impact the work and responsibilities as a member of the Clergy?

What won’t change:

  • You will still be required to ensure couples meet the requirements to marry in your building.
  • You will still be required to ensure couples complete the relevant preliminaries, i.e.: the calling of banns, issue of common or special licence or, where required, the prior attendance of the couple at the relevant register office to give their notices of marriage in the correct timescale.
  • You will still be required to conduct pre-marriage checks and confirm that the details contained on the marriage document or marriage schedule are correct before the marriage proceeds.
  • The marriage will still be performed by Church of England or Church in Wales rites.
  • You will still use registration ink to complete the marriage schedule.


What will change:

  • You will be required to create a marriage document or obtain the marriage schedule prior to the date of marriage.
  • You will no longer complete the formal register for the marriages you solemnize (There will still be a register kept by you for the records of your church).
  • You will no longer issue the legal marriage certificates.
  • The completed marriage document or marriage schedule must be returned to the register office for the registration to take place in the electronic marriage register before a certificate can be issued.
  • You will no longer need to complete quarterly returns for marriages which take place in your building.
  • You will no longer be responsible for corrections in marriage registers. After the changes are introduced, all corrections to marriage entries will be carried out by the registration officers or GRO.
  • The electronic register will also allow for the names of parents of the couple (mother / father / parent) to be included in the marriage entry instead of only their fathers’ names as is currently the case.

Time Out: suggestions and resources

We hope these ideas and resources will be helpful for reflection and self-care.

Some thoughts to help you use the time well

  • Turn off your phone, unplug the doorbell – minimise technological interruption!
  • Try to explain to anyone else in your house that you’re not available during this time
  • If you’re doing this in your study, try not to sit at your desk
  • Maybe light a candle to acknowledge ‘different’ time
  • Try to gather anything you might need (ie ingredients, bits and pieces) in advance to avoid using the space in session
  • This is YOUR time, to give you space and time with God.


Here be Dragons [PDF]

Come Home to your Hub [Word]

Wheel of Awareness diagram [Word]

Self-regulation diagram [Word]

Images of the diocese for prayer [PDF]

Journey of the last three months - ideas to express your experience [Word]

Let your God love you [Word]

Poems [Word]

Seasoned by Seasons extracts [PDF]

Chartres labyrinth [PDF]

Inhabit your body meditation: Download MP3 audio file or Listen online

Bread-making video [YouTube]

Bread - ideas and recipes [PDF]

Prayer walk during Covid [Word]

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01332 388650



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