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Resources for Clergy

This page is currently being updated, in the interim period please contact the Bishop's Office for further information 01332 840132.


 Page Includes Training Opportunities & Grants / Sabbaticals


Dwayne Cowboy Hat 

Continuing Ministerial Development (CMD) 

Revd Dwayne Engh, Ordained Ministries Development Officer, has responsibility for the CMD programme for clergy. A number of programmes are in development.  Check back here often for more information.  (And please feel free to share any ideas or requests you may have)!


Training Opportunities within the Diocese


Resilience Course: ‘Developing Resilience, Maintaining Well-Being’ - with James Lawrence 

Ordained life is demanding, and the ability to ‘bounce back’ is an important part of maintaining well-being.  Drawing from a framework cpas has developed working with hundreds of clergy in this area, these days provide practical tools to develop resilience that engages with the realities of ordained ministry.  (Note to Curates: You will receive this training in the second year of your curacies).

It has been a huge success again this year!  Because of the positive feedback over the past two years, we are running the course again for the 2025 year (together with the Diocesan Clergy Wellbeing Advisory Group).  There is room for a maximum number of 24 people total for the 2025 cohort. Please make certain you are available for all three days before signing up.  One learning community of clergy will attend this course, which occurs on three different days over the course of the year.  Please contact marietta.forman@derby.anglican.org if you are interested.  

For the 2025 year:

Wednesday 15 January 2025
Thursday 3 April 2025 
10.00am – 4.00pm
St Barnabas Centre, Pilsley Road, Danesmoor, Chesterfield, S456 9BU.
Wednesday 3 June 2025
10.00am – 4.00pm
St Barnabas Centre, Pilsley Road, Danesmoor, Chesterfield, S456 9BU.

Bishop's Study Days 

Please note that the Bishop's Study Days planned for Monday 24 March and Saturday 29 March have had to be withdrawn and are cancelled.  We are very sorry for the inconvenience.  Further communication about alternative days will follow.  Thank you!


Church Buildings - care, maintenance & making changes

Session led by: Kat Alldread, DAC Secretary & Gareth Greenwood, Church Buildings Support Officer.

We’ll aim to cover an overview of care and maintenance of church buildings, quinquennial inspections, PCC responsibilities and the Faculty process. We’d like to ensure that we cover areas that you have specific questions about - to enable us to prepare, please could you send questions to dac@derby.anglican.org before Friday 11th April.

Wednesday, May 7 2025

7.00pm – 8.30pm


Book on Eventbrite



Power & Conflict Transformation Session - with Sandra Cobbin

As the Church of England evolves in the coming decades, our awareness of p will become increasingly important.  What kind of church is being presented to both those inside and outside of the institutional church?  In the wake of the Makin report, our power and how we use that power is paramount.  Led by Sandra Cobbin from Clarity Development and Bridge Builders.  Please contact marietta.forman@derby.anglican.org to register.

Wednesday 21 May 2025 

Pre-Retirement Course for Clergy and Spouses/Partners

The Diocese of Southwell & Nottingham are holding an online pre-retirement course, taking place over two mornings on Wednesday 21st May and Thursday 22nd May, and clergy from the Diocese of Derby are invited to attend.

This free to attend online course is aimed at clergy who are coming up to retirement age and will provide helpful information and advice. It is run in conjunction with the Nottingham & District Pre-Retirement Council and will include representatives from the Church of England Pensions Board, as well as a panel of local recently retired clergy sharing their own experiences. Clergy are encouraged to attend with their spouses/partners. 

For further information and to book a place, please follow the link below:


If you have any questions, or problems using the booking link, please contact Julie Fowler on 01332 278172 or Julie.fowler@derby.anglican.org


Oversight Ministry Training - with cpas

As the Church of England moves from a 'one priest, one parish' model to overseeing multiple parishes, several clergy have requested explicit training in the area.  We have therefore arranged a pilot course, led by cpas, to assist those leading a church in moving from pastoral, sacramental, and ministry tasks for the benefit of others towards equipping all God's people for mission and ministry.   Recognising that all God's people have gifts and have a share in God's mission, the Oversight Minister works to empower and journey with them as they take on more responsibility.

There is room for a maximum number of 24 people total for the 2025 cohort. Please make certain you are available for all three days before signing up.  One learning community of clergy will attend this course, which occurs on three different days over the course of the year.  Please contact marietta.forman@derby.anglican.org if you are interested.  

Thursday 29 May 2025
10.00am – 4.00pm
St Barnabas Centre, Pilsley Road, Danesmoor, Chesterfield, S456 9BU.
Thursday 19 June 2025
10.00am – 4.00pm
St Barnabas Centre, Pilsley Road, Danesmoor, Chesterfield, S456 9BU.
Thursday 25 September 2025
10.00am – 4.00pm
St Barnabas Centre, Pilsley Road, Danesmoor, Chesterfield, S456 9BU.



For 2026: Diocesan Leadership Course - with James Lawrence 

We are pleased once again run the Diocesan Leadership Course led by cpas starting in January 2026 and running for the entire calendar year. The cohort of 19 people met once a month for content and once a month with a mentor throughout 2024.  The feedback was overwhelminghly positive.

Leadership of churches is an exciting and complex role.  Changes have occurred in our missional landscape and in the ordained role over the past 30 years.  These have an impact on the leadership aspect of our priestly clergy roles.  The course focusses on (a) the inner life of the leader as one who follows Christ and (b) the outer life of the leader as one who, with others, leads missional churches.  We will also explore the practical aspects of our journey together, including mentors, leadership groups and developmental goals.

Desired Outcomes of the Course - Participants will have:

  • Identified a helpful pattern of working with a core group to lead well with others.
  • Embedded two evangelism practices in their church(es) life to make a shift towards a faith-sharing culture.
  • Led through an adaptive challenge and reflected on lessons learned.
  • Experienced ministry enhancing collegiality amongst other clergy.

There is room for a maximum number of 24 people in total. Please make certain you are available for all days before signing up. One learning community of clergy will attend this course over the course of the year.  Attendance is at invitation of the Bishop and/or Archdeacons.  Bishop Libby will invite a number of participants individually but, if you would like to register interest for the anticipated 2026-2027 year, please do get in touch with your Archdeacon or with dwayne.engh@derby.anglican.org. 



Training Opportunities with West Midlands Ministerial Development Partners 

We are excited to join in partnership with West Midlands CMD to provide excellent training opportunities for you.  A variety of courses also now run in collaboration with our regional partner dioceses across the West Midlands. This enables us to offer quality training opportunities around identified development objectives. We usually invite participants individually but, if you would like to register interest in one of the courses below, please do get in touch with your Archdeacon or with dwayne.engh@derby.anglican.org.

There is no cost to you or your PCC besides travel expenses.  However, because each course costs the diocese in excess of £500 per person, in order to make it financially viable for the diocese while still offering you this opportunity, the decision has been made to apply your annual CMD Grant towards the cost of the training.  (Or to state it differently, if you attend one of the West Midland Courses this year, you will not be able to receive a separate CMD Grant as well). 

You can find out more about the courses on offer below or visit the West Midlands CMD website, where there is more information including dates and venues of the upcoming events.


First Incumbents

This year long course is for clergy who have taken on a post of primary responsibility for the first time during the preceding year. As well as some of the practicalities of legal responsibilities, there is the opportunity to explore managing the processes of change that a new vicar is expected to undertake.

Developing Ministry - Leading in a Changing Church

This year long course is especially suitable for those who are incumbents for the first time and have been in post for about eighteen months, or those who have become team rectors, or those who have recently been given responsibility for a multi-parish benefice. Sector ministers have also participated in the course and found it very helpful. 

Celebrating Ministry

A residential course for clergy and ministers of the West Midlands who want to renew their vision for their ministry. 

Transforming Conflict

This course offers an opportunity to look at conflict in the church differently. Participants will develop skills that enable them to engage with difficult behaviours, heightened emotions and conflict.

Celebrating Wisdom

A residential course for clergy of the West Midlands who want to renew their vision for their ministry.

Working with Change

A residential course exploring change process and change management.

Pre-retirement retreat/conference

For clergy and spouses as they prepare for retirement.


Grants & Sabbaticals



Applications for Clergy Retreat Grant

The Ordained Ministries Development Officer, the Rev'd Dwayne Engh, has responsibility for authorising applications for Clergy Retreat grants.

Download Clergy Retreat Grant Information form here.

Download the Clergy Retreat Grant application form here (Word doc).

Application forms should be sent directly to Marietta Forman at Derby Church House or by email to marietta.forman@derby.anglican.org

If you have any queries, do please get in touch with Marietta on 01332 388673.


Applications for CMD Grants

The Ordained Ministries Development Officer, the Rev'd Dwayne Engh, has responsibility for authorising applications for CMD grants.

Download the CMD Discretionary Grant Application Information form here.

Download the CMD grant application form here.

Download the Additional Discretionary Academic Grant Application form here.

Application forms should be sent directly to Marietta Forman at Derby Church House or by email to marietta.forman@derby.anglican.org

If you have any queries, do please get in touch with Marietta on 01332 388673.


Applications for Sabbaticals

The Guidelines and applications form have recently been revised. 

Sabbatical and Study Leave applications for 2025 and 2026 have closed.  Do get in touch with the Rev'd Dwayne Engh by the end of February 2025 if you wish to pursue the possibility of an application for submission for a Sabbatical or Study Leave in 2026 - there is the potential that the bishop may be willing to approve more than the usual number if there is demand.  Appointments can be arranged through Marietta Forman at marietta.forman@derby.anglican.org or 01332 388673. 

Download the process as set out in Guidelines for Clergy Sabbatical

Download Application for a Sabbatical - Form A

Download Grant Application for a Sabbatical - Form A1


Applications for Study Leave

The Guidelines and applications form have recently been revised. 

Sabbatical and Study Leave applications for 2025 and 2026 have closed.  Do get in touch with the Rev'd Dwayne Engh by the end of February 2025 if you wish to pursue the possibility of an application for submission for a Sabbatical or Study Leave in 2026 - there is the potential that the bishop may be willing to approve more than the usual number if there is demand.  Appointments can be arranged through Marietta Forman at marietta.forman@derby.anglican.org or 01332 388673. 

Download the process as set out in Guidelines for Study Leave

Download Application for a Study Leave - Form B

Download Grant Application for a Study Leave - Form B1


Other sources of funding

It is also worth looking at the following document, which lists possible external sources of funding as well:

Download the Diocese Derby Grants for Clergy & Their Families handbook


Lichfield Funding

Clergy seeking funding for personal development or for academic courses might also consider applying to Lichfield Theological College Trust: Please note that Application Forms for grants from the Lichfield Theological College Trust must be submitted to The Revd Dwayne Engh to be counter-signed before they are sent to the Trust.

Download the Lichfield funding form for personal development (Word doc)

Download the Lichfield funding form for academic courses (Word doc)

Dear Friends

I am happy to write that Bishop Alastair has commended me to the post of Chaplain to the Retired Clergy within the Diocese, assisted by my wife Rachel Mookerji. The Bishop is very keen to see that all the Retired Clergy are given all help, care and support particularly in their time of need, realizing how much time and effort they give to maintain the much cherished parish ministry within the Diocese. Our personal initiative will be to maintain the relationship with each other and to this end importantly praying and where necessary visiting them.


I am grateful my predeccessors have already established the link between the local Retired Clergy and the Retirement Officers so called the Deanery Representatives. We will continue with the tradition of an annual phone call to each one knowing how valuable this could prove pastorally for all of us. However, we believe the Pastoral Care of the Retired Clergy is of course primarily the responsibility of the local Parish Priest, and where necessary they would contact wither their Deanery Representatives, or us directly for any specialist care and support, and if any particular need arising we would then liaise with the Bishop.


We have been in the Diocese for over 30 years, and now happily retired and live in the Parish of Church Gresley in Repton Deanery. Our journey to this diocese began in the year 1985, when I served my title at the Parish Church St Lawrence, Heanor, and then moved to St James, Codnor, my first incumbency; in the same deanery stretching over 17 years; and which laid a firm foundation to our life and ministry in this country. We finally retired from the Parish Church of St Marks Winshill, in the Repton Deanery after having served the parish for over 13 years. It has been a priviledge to serve this diocese and now commended by the Bishop to serve the Retired Clergy in the diocese.

We have two sons Michael (Jr) married to Bryony and they have a daughter called Elsa and live in Norway, Noel married to Nathalie and have two children Noah and Yasmin, and live in London. by God'd grace they are all doing well in their respective families, and we all have a happy family bond. 

We now joyfully look forward to serving our Retired Clergy friends within the diocese, and take this opportunity to wish you all a blessed year 2016, and may God bless is all richly with good health and happiness. 


Revd Michael Mookerji


01283 335582

“I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.” 

The pitfalls of ministry are many and various and when the going gets tough there is almost always a personal cost both to ourselves and those amongst whom our lives are set. 

The Apostle’s frustration is rooted in an honest self-understanding, a recognition that alone we will adopt unhealthy or misconceived ways of living that take us away from the person God yearns for us to be.

Wellbeing is not an add-on

Wellbeing is not an optional extra for those who have the time. 

Wellbeing is not a matter for people less busy than us. 

Wellbeing is a Gospel value, for it is about choosing to be the person God intends, indeed yearns for us to be… to have life and life in all its fullness. 

Taking wellbeing seriously is a non-negotiable part of our ministerial lives if we are to flourish as God’s people and for those who have made ordination vows, live them out with integrity.

You will hopefully find resources here to help you do that. 

They are intentionally diverse, as not everything will speak to everyone and they are not the solution to anyone’s problems in themselves, but a starting point offered to help each of us in our different contexts take responsibility for our own wellbeing.


Get in touch

These pages are constantly under review, so that we may all receive assistance and appropriate advice in a quickly changing ministerial environment.

We welcome your feedback. If there is information missing from these pages that you or others may find helpful, please contact and let us know: julie.fowler@derby.anglican.org | 01332 278172.

The Clergy Wellbeing Advisory Team
January 2024

Role descriptions were introduced into the diocese to complement and inform Ministerial Development Reviews (MDR), and are a requirement of the Ecclesiastical Offices (Terms of Service) Regulations 2009.

The following documents will help you write a role description which you are advised to develop after you have been in post for six months, and when you have met with your Archdeacon at the six month review point:

How to write a Role Description

Role Description Template Curate

Role Description Template Incumbent

Role Description Worked Example

Should you have any questions or queries regarding the development of your role description please contact Mandy Roberts at Derby Church House: 01332 388650, mandy.roberts@derby.anglican.org

Ministerial Development Review (MDR) 

MDR is a shared process of reflection and discernment in which you and the reviewer assigned to you by the Bishop explore and articulate how your ministry is developing in your local context.

As disciples of Christ, we all seek to go on learning and growing in faith, and this is especially so for those of us who serve, lay and ordained, as leaders in the church. We do so in mutual relationship, as part of Christ’s body. The Ordinal speaks of a shared ministry, a working together within the Body of Christ. This implies a mutual accountability. Our wellbeing and further development in ministry invite regular reflection in changing times and contexts.

We pray that this will be a blessing both to you and to those you minister amongst. Your wellbeing as a person and as a priest is at the heart of this process. It is our hope that all clergy will find MDR both affirming and encouraging, as together we consider the part we play in God’s mission here in this Diocese of Derby. We hope that you will make the most of this opportunity so that your ministry can flourish and thrive.

The MDR scheme is co-ordinated by Archdeacon Nicky and administered by Julie Fowler at the Parish Support Office at Church House. Email: MDRadmin@derby.anglican.org

The documentation you will need to complete your MDR along with guides to help you through the process can be found below.

MDR User Guide

Form 1 - Critical Friend's Feedback

Form 2 - Personal reflection

Form 3 - Full Review Summary Note, Learning & Development Goals 

Form 4 - Interim Review Summary

MDR Reviewers guide

See also: Role Descriptions

Please see Initial Ministerial Education page for all Training Priest resources.


IME2 Page


The Capability Procedure enables the bishop to address, through a fair and transparent process, the problems that arise when clergy fail, for whatever reason, to perform their duties to an acceptable standard. The procedure is designed to be supportive and to give clergy the time, training and resources they need to improve. If in the last resort an officeholder is removed under this procedure, he or she will have the right to bring a claim of unfair dismissal to an independent employment tribunal.

Copies of the Code of Practice and the guidelines can be obtained from https://www.churchofengland.org/search-results?keys=common+tenure

It is important to note that the purpose of the capability procedure is improvement. It is also appropriate to draw your attention to the words in Part I Introductory note of the Code of Practice (Page3) which makes it clear that it is expected that most performance related matters will be identified and addressed informally without engaging the procedure. Nevertheless there will be times when informal steps will not be appropriate and in these instances the procedure will be used.

The Diocese undertakes to train all those who will be involved in capability panels so that they may properly fulfill the requirements of the procedure and the principles that underlie it. Further detail of the Diocesan approach may be found in Section 9 of the Clergy Handbook (Common Tenure)

Listed below are policies that are applicable to all clergy within the Diocese of Derby. The list below is not exhaustive and is in the process of being updated. If there is anything that you need that you so not see below then please contact Jackie Croft at jackie.croft@derby.anglican.org or telephone her on 07799 644589.

The capability and grievance procedure, applicable to clergy on common tenure may be found by clicking on the following links: Capability procedure. Grievance procedure.

If you have any query in relation to the Parsonages Handbook please contact Nigel Sherratt at nigel.sherratt@derby.anglican.org

FileFile sizeLast Modified
Download this file (Senior-Staff-Review-SSR.pdf)Senior-Staff-Review-SSR.pdf 480 Kb 20/04/10 16:48
Download this file (Supplement-to-Form-A.pdf)Supplement-to-Form-A.pdf 58 Kb 20/04/10 16:53
Download this file (MDR-Introduction-intro.pdf)MDR-Introduction-intro.pdf 295 Kb 20/04/10 17:03
Download this file (SSR BOOKLET.doc)Senior Staff Review SSR.doc 815 Kb 14/05/10 09:54
Download this file (Supplement to Form A.doc)Supplement to Form A. doc 177 Kb 17/05/10 08:37
Download this file (MDR Intro 5 Oct 09.doc)Introduction to MDR 286 Kb 13/07/10 14:21
Download this file (PAR 5 Oct 09.doc)Peer-Assisted-Review.doc 848 Kb 13/07/10 14:23
Download this file (Alastair\'s Theological Preface.doc)Alastair's Theological Preface 46 Kb 07/04/11 09:25
Download this file (Guidelines for Payments from the MDR Outcomes Support Fund-Mar12.doc)Guidelines for Payments from the MDR Outcomes Support Fund (March 2012) 25 Kb 15/03/12 14:27
Download this file (Bishop\'s List of PAR reviewers Jan 2013.doc)Bishop's List of PAR Reviewers (updated Jan 2013) 88 Kb 24/01/13 13:33


Welcome to the Clergy Support area of the website. It is very much work in progress and so please visit it again to see what has been updated. If you have any query about any of the clergy support contents please contact the relevant page owner. 

If you have a general enquiry or would like us to add anything to this area of the web-site please contact Jackie Croft, Diocesan HR Adviser at jackie.croft@derby.anglican.org or telephone her on 07799 644589.


The Bishop’s Adviser on Clergy Safety & Security is Jackie Croft, who is also the Diocesan HR Adviser.


There is a free counselling service available to all clergy and their immediate families in this diocese, which if you are struggling, could be of significant value to you personally. We offer individual and couples counselling and counselling for the children of the clergy.

The service provides a safe and confidential space to unpack any sort of emotional distress, whether it is from relationships inside or outside of the family, or issues related to your working ministry that just aren’t working at all well. Maybe you have experience some losses and bereavement, depression and anxiety, a sense of loss of vocation, or anything else that is getting you down and is draining your energy and good will.

Please contact Judlie Fowler at julie.fowler@derby.anglican.org to start the process of placing you with one of our experienced, qualified and accredited counsellors near to you.  The Diocese of Derby pays in full for eight sessions of professional counselling which is completely confidential.

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01332 388650



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