


We said goodbye to my last parish eight years ago on Easter Day. Having been very happy there, it felt odd to have the sadness of farewell in the context of Resurrection celebration: “Alleluia. Christ is Risen!” in floods of tears!

This time our farewells are to be made on the eve of Lent, maybe a better liturgical fit. Lent is kept in imitation of Jesus’ forty days in the wilderness after his baptism. In that time he reflected on his calling, on what God was asking of him. He broke new ground, away from the comfortable and familiar, and wrestled (in those strange, dream-like stories of temptation) with who he was and how he was to be faithful. Oxfordshire and Ripon College Cuddesdon is hardly the wilderness (!) but the sense of stepping out into the unknown to discover what blessings and challenges God has for the future is strong for me just now.

And, I hope, for all of us. Famously the Hebrews were reminded them that “here we have no abiding city” (Hebrews 13. 14) and the metaphor of journey is powerful for Christian discipleship. Specifically journey through the wilderness: Moses led a rabble of runaway slaves through the Red Sea out into the desert. There, through long ramblings and hard experiences, they were forged into God’s people and prepared for the Promised Land beyond the Jordan. That is the pattern for the Christian life between the waters of the baptism (the Red Sea) and death (the Jordan). Lent is an annual rehearsal in miniature of this pattern.

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Mission Action Toolkit

The Mission Action Toolkit is a set of resources that can help any church, of whatever tradition, size, context or type, to join in with responding to the missional aims of the Diocesan Vision. If you would like to know more about the Diocesan Vision and its missional aims, you can do so here.

The Toolkit is based on Mission Action Planning for the Diocese of Derby, which we have been using since 2010 to help churches grow as healthy, worshipping communities that engage in God's mission in the world. However, it is a more focused, streamlined toolkit that is flexible and light-tough enough for any church to use. Churches can use the Toolkit in many different ways and adapt it to suit their own context and style.

The Toolkit isn't another thing to do or an extra initiative. It is a process to help with that which has always been central to the identity, calling and purpose of every single expression of church - to engage in God's mission in the world. It can help churches to acknowledge and celebrate what God is already doing in and through them in mission, and to hear God's call to grow and develop in their mission further.

The Toolkit consists of six core resources, which are all downloadable below. More resources will be added in the future, and all the resources of the existing full MAP process, found in these pages, are also available to use with the Mission Action Toolkit.

  • Quick Start Guide - an accessible introduction to the Mission Action Toolkit, suitable for anyone in the church.
  • Introduction for Church Leaders - a more detailed guide intended for use by any church leader, lay or ordained.
  • Missional Aims Summary - a single-sheet overview of the different aspects of each missional aim.
  • Resource Sheets - a rich set of theological reflections, discussion questions, prayers and ideas for actions for every aspect of our missional aims.
  • Questionnaire - one way in which to gather information from the church as a part of the Mission Action Toolkit process.
  • Action Sheet - a way of recording and tracking the actions a church decides to undertake.

The Mission Action Toolkit is designed to be adapted and used independently by any church. However, help and support is available to help churches as they use the Toolkit. To find help, please send an email to missioner@derby.anglican.org.

Missional aims videos

Please watch and enjoy these five-minute videos, each offering a light Biblical reflection by  Revd Jason Kennedy on one aspect of our missional aims, ‘Transformed Lives’, 'Growing Church' and 'Building Community'.

They form a part of the Mission Action Toolkit, which helps churches to engage with God’s mission in an approachable, practical and flexible way.

The videos can be used for individual reflection, as a light sermon or an introduction to a conversation in small groups or, for example, a Lent group.

Help and Information

For more help and information about MAP for the Diocese of Derby, please please send an email to missioner@derby.anglican.org.


Bishop Alastair writes....

November is a month for remembering the terrible challenge of war – or what we now call ‘military action’.

There are, understandably, many views about the rights and wrongs of war, the priorities for peace, and the best means of combatting evil and promoting goodness. These are important debates, and Christians have much to contribute.

But – beneath debate about options and actions, the reality of war contains a humbling stream of sacrifice for the sake of others. And in this November season of remembering with thanks all who have given or risked their lives for their neighbours, we are publishing a book in the Diocese – ‘Sacrifice Remembered’.

It brings together an amazing and moving collection of memories and reflections from the people of the county – including some of our current primary school children.

Report a Safeguarding Concern

Protecting children, young people and vulnerable adults is the responsibility of us all, whether they are in the communities in which we live or part of our Christian family. If you have a concern about a child, young person or adult who may be at risk of harm please speak to one of the parish safeguarding coordinators or the priest within the parish. If you have concerns about a member of the clergy or an employee of the Diocese please contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser, Julian Hodgson (07540 719447) or one of the Archdeacons. You can also report any concerns to the Police or Social Care. The important thing is that your concerns are shared with someone in a position to help.

For more information on safeguarding 

click here 

To confidentially report a safeguarding concern to the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser, Julian Hodgson, please complete the form below:

Safeguarding Concern Form

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#LiveLentEmbracing Justice is the Church of England’s theme for Lent 2022. Both the Archbishop of Canterbury’s 2022 Lent Book, Embracing Justice (SPCK), and the daily reflections booklet for adults (CHP) have been written by Isabelle Hamley.

It invites us to examine our own lives truthfully, to see the world more deeply and to pray – for the church and the world far and near – that ‘justice may roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream’ (Amos 5.24).

Each week we follow a different thread through the many stories of justice in the Bible to explore how God works with humanity to bring justice, wholeness and salvation to all. As in recent years, the weekly themes of the Archbishop’s Lent Book (supported by online resources for churches and groups) are also explored in daily reflection from the Church of England.

#LiveLent: Embracing Justice offers a daily Bible reading, a short reflection and a prayer, as well as a practical challenge linked to the week’s theme. An accompanying child’s version is also available to help children and their families explore how we can live well together.

The book and booklets will be accompanied by daily social media posts from Ash Wednesday (2 March) to Easter Day (17 April), together with a wide range of free digital resources for individuals, groups and churches.

An update to the award-winning #LiveLent app for iOS and Android – including daily audio – will be available from mid-February.

The six weeks of Lent are a journey. We travel together towards God’s promised world, one where his justice and mercy reign.

For many people, Lent is a time of fasting, of choosing to go without.

This Lent we are called to be speakers and seekers of justice. We reflect on the injustices of the world and ask what God is calling us to do about them. Over forty days, we step into God’s work in the here and now – and in doing so we move from brokenness towards wholeness.

Our journey through Lent is one in which we seek inner transformation to be people of a new world, people who reflect God’s vision that all are created equal.

Our prayer is that this may be a time for you – whether by yourself, in community, or online – to see afresh the vision of God and truly join in making his promise of a world transformed a reality.

The Archbishops of Canterbury and York

2027 Community of Prayer during Lent

2027 Community of Prayer Wednesday Morning Prayer

Through Lent, beginning on Ash Wednesday, 2 March 2022 and ending on Wednesday, 13 April 2022, there is an open invitation to all from Bishop Libby to join her from 8:30am - 9:00am each Wednesday on zoom for Morning Prayer. We hope that many people will choose to join in so we can be united in a community of prayer through this season of penitential reflection. 

The same link will work for each session and is available from office@bishopofderby.org


2027 Community of Prayer Intercessory Gatherings

During Thursday evenings of Lent from 7.30pm - 8.30pm, Bishop Libby is hosting online prayer gatherings focussed around different themes across diocesan life. We hope to gather people virtually to discover more of what God is doing in these different contexts and to pray into the opportunities and challenges together.

The format each week will vary but will be very participative and all are welcome to join in for any or all of the sessions which will be led by different people with personal experience of that setting.
Week 1, Thurs, 10 March – rural and market towns, lead Carol Coslett.
Week 2, Thurs, 17 March - children and young people, lead +Malcolm.
Week 3, Thurs, 24 March – emerging transitioning contexts, lead +Libby.
Week 4, Thurs, 31 March – diversity and inclusion, lead Dwayne Engh.
Week 5, Thurs, 7 April – city and urban, lead tbc

The same link will work for each session and is available from office@bishopofderby.org


Annual Holy Week Retreat

St. Werburgh, Spondon, is once again providing a retreat through Holy Week for those who could never afford the time or expense of going away to make a residential retreat.  

This year, more than ever it is needed, helping us to move out of the last two years of separation and anxiety. All of us are facing different circumstances in a radically changed and more fragile world.

A retreat is an opportunity to find support with prayer, to be restored, it can be a way to think through a life choice or change in circumstances and it is an opportunity to prepare for the resurrection joy of Easter.
This year, they are trying out a hybrid of in person and online engagement, both for worship and the one to one work with a spiritual guide.
If you’d like to know more, or would like to join, please contact Revd Kate Smedley on stwhelps@gmail.com.



Other resources


The Clewer Initiative - Children in the Shadows is a five-week interactive resource for Lent that will help consider the various forms of child exploitation, the scale of the abuse, and the need for us all to increase our awareness and effective response. Each session contains definitions, statistics, examples of current good practice, and ways in which individuals and churches can make a significant contribution to extending care and strengthening resilience and resistance in their communities. There is also a passage of scripture to inspire our response and a prayer to draw our reflections together. Each session concludes with the words of two new hymns, written for The Clewer Initiative by Sheena Evans and Simon Hancock. More information https://theclewerinitiative.org/campaigns/children-in-the-shadows


Prayers, Poems and Intercessions

Lent Spiritual Resources - Creative Prayer responses around six themes [PDF] - Written by Karen Herrick, Harlequin Arts

The Scars Remain - poems for Lent and Easter by Tim Sumpter [Word doc]

Intercessions for the Sundays of Lent 2021 [Word doc]


Living God's Way

Living God's way is a series of resources for children and their households for the season of Lent, aiming to give ideas and spiritual focus during this time of the church year. The series is based on the Diocese of Derby Vision and Values. The resources for each Sunday are not meant as tasks to work through. Rather, they should be taken as ideas which can be selected by children to best meet the age, development, time and resources are available.  I aimed to include Bible texts, scope for thought and conversation, craft and activities, worship, prayer ideas, and links to songs, videoclips and PowerPoint from other sites (Please pre-watch any resources from an external site to check for suitability). My prayer is that over the season of Lent, children and their carers will grow in their understanding of God's immense love for each and every one. 

Sarah Brown - Children's Adviser

Living God's Way - Ash Wednesday

Living God's Way - Week 1: Transformed Lives

Living God's Way - Week 2: Growing Church

Living God's Way - Week 3: Building Community

Living God's Way - Week 4: Generous Faith

Living God's Way - Week 5: Courageous Hope

Living God's Way - Week 6: Palm Sunday


Music resources

Music Suggestions that connect with themes from Lent and the diocesan vision and values [Word doc]

Singing in Churches - a lockdown guide (19 Jan 2021)  [PDF]




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